Lay-Lay Chua

Doping Strategies and Materials

Lay-Lay Chua received her B.Sc. degree in Chemistry from National University of Singapore. She completed her Ph.D. in Physics at the University of Cambridge in 2007.   She was awarded Inaugural Dual-University Assistant Professorship between NUS and Cambridge, and began her independent academic career at National University of Singapore in 2008.

Lay-Lay is now Associate Professor.  She serves as associate editor of Journal of Materials Chemistry C. Prior to her academic career, she worked in Semiconductor industry in Singapore (1996-2000); She is a member of Technical Staff at Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, New Jersey, USA (2001-2002); Research Associate at University of Cambridge and also Research Fellow at National University of Singapore (2003-2008). 

Lay-Lay’s research interests focus on materials and processing development to advance the science and technology of polymer organic semiconductors including organic polymer−graphene hybrids for advanced applications in organic electronics, polymer thermal electric generators and batteries, and also nonlinear optics.