ICOT-2020 Commitment to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
At ICOT we beleive that diversity and inclusion help to create a thriving scientific community that drives innovation. Fostering a climate of inclusiveness and respect at all levels is a core value of the ICOT organization.
Our goal is to support the development of a network of diverse researchers working in the area of thermoelectric materials. We recognized that inclusion can help to accelerate the progress of the discipline.
The ICOT organization expects the highest levels of collegiality and professionalism from all conference participants, to all event attendees, speakers, and staff. Discussion should revolve around science and promoting new ideas, not on personal attacks. We ask that all conference attendees lead by example, by not interupting or talking over others, speaking to others in a courteous manner and tone of voice, respecting the personal space of others and not touching people without their consent. Social networking is a valuable and crucial component of ICOT and everyone will enjoy the event more if participants consume alcohol in moderation. Unprofessional behavior, including disparaging comments and unwelcome conduct related to sex, race, color, gender, age, disability, orientation or religion, will not be tolerate.
We are excited to host this international cohort of researchers for what promises to be a stimulating exploration of the organic and hybrid thermoelectrics field. Please do your part to contribute to the collaborative atmosphere at this event by following these guidelines.